
I am extremely sorry that I have not been posting recently, I have tried to do some reviews but then they gathered in my drafts box and I decided to do an overall post of all the books that I have read while my blog has taken an extremely long break.
Although every time I do these kind of posts, this time I guarantee I will try to stick to one or two lines for a book so that I don’t take up too much space and bore you with scrolling down!

Also, I think all the books that I will be mentioning in this post are on my e-reader which probably means that you can buy them on Amazon and that they probably are free but good…unless I say otherwise!
Oh yeah, I would also like to mention that the second book of Robin Jarvis (Freax and Rejex) has officially been released and I look forward to getting my hands on it! The first book (Dancing Jax) was a pleasure to read and if you want to find out more about it, I am pretty certain that I have already written a review about it!

Onwards with the list of books!

Scary Mary, by S.A. Hunter (8/10) is a book about More